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Laws of UX

Laws of UX discusses various “laws” and principles related to user experience design and human psychology. Some of the key ones mentioned include:

– Zeigarnik Effect – People remember interrupted tasks better than completed ones. 

– Von Restorff Effect – Things that are different are more memorable than things that are similar.

– Tesler’s Law – Complexity in systems can’t be reduced beyond a certain point. 

– Serial Position Effect – People best remember the first and last items in a series.

– Parkinson’s Law – Tasks will expand to fill all available time. 

– Pareto Principle – 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. 

– Occam’s Razor – Prefer simpler explanations that predict equally well. 

– Miller’s Law – Working memory can hold 7 plus or minus 2 items.

– Fitts’s Law – Time to acquire a target depends on distance and size. 

The page provides definitions and explanations of over 20 principles related to human cognition, memory, decision making and how they influence user experience design. It aims to be a resource for UX designers to consider these psychological factors when building products and interfaces.