Career & Freelancing

25 resources


Glassdoor is a great place to connect with other professionals about work and life. You can join various career-focused discussion boards called “bowls” to get advice from people in your industry. Popular bowls cover topics like tech, consulting, sales, and more.

Within each bowl, people are posting questions on a regular basis. Recent posts ask about salary negotiations, career changes, dealing with difficult managers, and personal work dilemmas. The community is always eager to offer their perspectives and first-hand experiences to help others out.

In addition to specific career bowls, there are also inclusive communities for groups like women in male-dominated fields or professionals of color. The site aims to foster networking and support among diverse job seekers and workers.

Glassdoor makes it easy to find relevant career discussions based on your interests. You can explore popular industries, companies, and professional roles. There is sure to be an active community aligned with your work. It also features profiles on top employers to research compensation trends and workplace reviews.

Whether you want advice, have a work victory to share, or need a sympathetic ear, Glassdoor is a supportive place to connect with others virtually about your job, career path, and professional life.