miroverse ai+design toolkit template

The AI+Design Toolkit is a comprehensive set of tools designed to help teams create AI solutions that prioritize human-centered approaches and mitigate AI-related risks. The toolkit aims to guide users through a journey that starts with collecting business requirements, analyzing user research insights, designing the system through a systemic approach, and defining the rules for the machine’s evolution to maintain the defined KPIs.

The key benefits of using this toolkit include avoiding the reproduction of human biases in the AI model, defining the machine’s evolution and its impacts on human lives, identifying the required and most valuable data inputs and outputs, and determining the human-AI interaction. The toolkit is particularly useful at the beginning of an AI project, as it helps prevent ethical issues such as biases and data dirtying by placing humans at the center of the process.

The toolkit is presented as a template that can be used and shared within the Miroverse community. It is categorized under the “Engineering” and “Research & Design” sections, indicating its versatility in addressing both technical and user-centric aspects of AI development.

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