UX Writing Resource Library

The UX Writing Library was created by Kinneret Yifrah, a UX writer and microcopy expert. You can see some of my work throughout the library.

Many thanks to Mario Ferrer, Jane Ruffino, Andrea Drugay, and Kathryn Strauss for suggesting great resources, and for everyone that keeps sending me updates.

The UX Writing Library curates the best and most helpful resources from the field and organizes them in a way that’s easy to navigate and use.

The vision of The UX Writing Library is to further develop and promote our quickly growing profession.

It aims to –

  1. Present a current and focused overview of the field.
  2. Help UX writers stay on top of their game and hone their skills.
  3. Be the gateway to the field for newcomers.​

Principals of resource curation

A resource made it to the library if it was firsthand tried and proven or has raving reviews.

A resource didn’t make the cut if it was:

  1. Old or not updated
  2. Unpractical
  3. About tangent fields

Enjoy the exploration!