fountn usability testing

This article provides templates for conducting user testing when resources are limited. Written by design leader Slava Shestopalov, it aims to help solo practitioners and small teams test designs effectively. 

It presents two Notion templates – one for a usability testing script, and another for the subsequent report. The script template guides facilitators through introducing the test, collecting background on participants, outlining tasks, and concluding the session. It is translated into three languages.

The report template structures findings in an “inverted pyramid” format. Key insights are summarized at the top, with more details on user responses and identified issues below. It also suggests next steps for addressing problems. 

By making these templates freely available, the author hopes designers will test designs with users more often, even without dedicated research support. While expert researchers deliver highest quality, “good enough” testing through these templates is preferable to none. Including translations and thorough instructions, they aim to empower solo practitioners and small teams to gather valuable user feedback.

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