simple recall testing for b2b ux

In the world of user experience (UX) research, the focus has traditionally been on e-commerce, emphasizing the importance of first impressions and user retention. However, the priorities of B2B (business-to-business) products are quite different. The critical aspects are not the initial experience or impressions but rather the learnability and efficiency of the system.

Cashiers, for instance, will eventually become familiar with the products they use, so their initial impressions may not be the most telling. What truly matters is the duration of their training, the amount of help they need after training, and how quickly they can perform their tasks, especially the most frequent ones. These factors can lead to significant resource losses over time.

In conclusion, Recall Sketching offers a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional UX research methods, particularly in the context of B2B products. This method can provide invaluable insights to help organizations create more learnable, efficient, and user-friendly B2B experiences by tapping into users’ subconscious understanding of the interface.

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